경상북도 전기차 차세대 무선충전 규제자유특구 참여기업
지정기간 : 2022.9.1 ~ 2026.8.31 (4년)
실증기간 : 2023.1.1 ~ 2024.12.31 (2년)
위치/면적 : 경산시 하양읍 지식산업지구 및 진량읍
삼주 주유소 일원 총 313.09 ㎢

전기차 유선충전기 연계형 무선충전 실증
- 레더스테크놀로지(주)
1. 규제 특례구역, 기간
ㅇ 실증특례 지역 : 경상북도 전기차 차세대 무선충전 규제자유특구
경북 경산시 와촌면 소월리 일원(270,780㎡), 경북 경산시 하양읍 대학리 일원(40,936.9㎡)
*중소벤처기업부 고시 제2022-67호/2022.08.30.)
ㅇ 실증특례기간 : 2023.01.01. ~ 2024.12.31.(2년)
3. 책임보험및 또는 손해배상 내용
ㅇ책임보험 : 대인 최대 1.8억원, 대물 최대 10억원 이내 보장
*지역특구법 시행령 제60조(책임보험 등 가입) 근거하여 보상 실시
2. 실증특례의 조건준수 ( 법 제86조 4항의 안정성 등 확보 조건)
ㅇ 안전확인 대상제품 아닌 무선충전기로 전기자동차 충전 특례허용
ㅇ국표원이 마련한 예비안전기준을 적용하여 공인 시험기관을 통한 안전성을 검증하고, 실증기간 동안에도 주기적인 안전점검 필요
ㅇ 전기사업법, 전기안전관리법, 한국전기설비규정(KEC) 등 현행 기술기준에는 무선충전기에 대한 설치규정이 존재하지 않으나, 전기자동차 무선충전기의 안전성을 확보하는
조건하에서 실증 특례허용
ㅇ 관계기관(전기안전공사 등), 관련 전문가 등과 협의하여 안전성 확보방안 마련
ㅇ KS표준과 같은 수준 이상의 국제표준에 의한 성적서(인증서) 또는 제조사 시험성적서를 제출
ㅇ 전기안전관리법 제9조(사용전 검사)와 같은 법 제13조(여러 사람이 이용하는 시설 등에 대한
전기안전점검)에서 규정하는 검사 및 전기안전점검에 준하는 결과 제출
ㅇ 주파수 85kHz 대역 전기차 무선충전설비로 분배완료
ㅇ 타 대역에 혼간섭 문제가 없음을 확인하고 다음의 부대조건을 충족하여 실증 추진
- 규제자유특구내 모든 사업자는 무선국 운용 전 실사용 환경에서 타 대역 서비스에 영향을 미치지 않음을 확인하고 확대 구축할 것
- 기존 이용자들에 혼·간섭을 줄경우 즉시 운영을 중단할 것
- 향후 85㎑ 대역 무선전력전송 용도 공급을 위한 기술기준 개정 등 규제개선 진행 시 자료제출 등
협조할 것
- 야외 실증 시 전자파 인체보호기준, 전자파 적합성 준수 및 필요한 경우 안전조치를 취할 것
4. 기타 장관이 제품,서비스 이용과 관련하여 지정한 사항
ㅇ해당사항 없음
5. 관련 근거
ㅇ 규제자유특구 및 지역특화발전특구에 관한 특례법
ㅇ 규제자유특구 지정(중소벤처기업부 고시 제2022-67호/2022.08.30.)
6. 기타문의
ㅇ레더스테크놀로지(주) / 전진훈 / 010-4902-3432/jhjeon@letus-corp.com

with Unlimited Solutions
Living in the 21st century, we are sharing the historic era of ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
The industrial revolution began as a steam engine in the late 18th century. The existing Industrial Revolution made the fundamental change in the underlying technology for innovation in the manufacturing industry through technological revolution, industrialization and digitization.
The era of the 4th Industrial Revolution that we are facing today can be seen as a soft convergence that transcends the boundaries of such infrastructure technologies. The 4th Industrial Revolution will come to us in the form of various forms of services and technologies that will fundamentally change the pattern of modern people's lives.
Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Block Chain, Shared Economy and Cloud Sourcing, Robot Autonomous Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 3D Printing are the good example of new technology. These will become more directly involved in human life beyond the industrial scene.
Letus Technology will create flexible technical solutions and services in line with the era of the paradigm shift of the technology, We aim to increase customer value by developing new technologies and products that lead to customer needs.
To this end, we have secured IoT services and product development and various sensor application technologies that fit the needs of consumers, and can lead the era ahead. We will focus on core solutions and product development.
'Letus Technology' does not stay at the present time. We will face the changing technologies and listen to the voices of our customers.
Thank you

with Unlimited Solutions
Living in the 21st century, we are sharing the historic era of ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
The industrial revolution began as a steam engine in the late 18th century. The existing Industrial Revolution made the fundamental change in the underlying technology for innovation in the manufacturing industry through technological revolution, industrialization and digitization.
The era of the 4th Industrial Revolution that we are facing today can be seen as a soft convergence that transcends the boundaries of such infrastructure technologies. The 4th Industrial Revolution will come to us in the form of various forms of services and technologies that will fundamentally change the pattern of modern people's lives.
Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Block Chain, Shared Economy and Cloud Sourcing, Robot Autonomous Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 3D Printing are the good example of new technology. These will become more directly involved in human life beyond the industrial scene.
Letus Technology will create flexible technical solutions and services in line with the era of the paradigm shift of the technology, We aim to increase customer value by developing new technologies and products that lead to customer needs.
To this end, we have secured IoT services and product development and various sensor application technologies that fit the needs of consumers, and can lead the era ahead. We will focus on core solutions and product development.
'Letus Technology' does not stay at the present time. We will face the changing technologies and listen to the voices of our customers.
Thank you

Company History
MAR.2014 : Corporate Foundation
JUN.2014 : Venture Corp. Certification
JUL.2014 : R&D Center Registration
Our Value
Creativity & Innovation
Basic & Integrity
Communication & Flexibility

Jamming Solution

Radio Jamming - Electronic warfare
Radio jamming is the (usually deliberate) transmission of radio signals that disrupt communications by decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Unintentional jamming occurs when an operator transmits on a busy frequency without first checking whether it is in use, or without being able to hear stations using the frequency. Radio jamming can be applied from air, sea, land, and space by manned and unmanned systems, and can target radio communications, radar, or other radio types.
Cell phone Jamming – Public and private security
A mobile phone jammer is an instrument used to prevent cellular phone from receiving signals from base stations. When used, the jammer effectively disables cellular phones. These devices can be used in practically any location, but are found primarily in places where a phone call would be particularly disruptive because silence and security are expected.
GNSS Jamming – GPS and GLONASS
GPS is now one of the key technologies used to provide position, navigation and timing information that ships rely on to ensure safe navigation in poor weather conditions and precision of geographical position in battle field. Jammer transmit a low-power signal that creates signal noise and fools a GPS receiver into thinking the satellites are not available. GNSS jammer will help user for protecting critical military information and personal privacy.

IoT Solution
Air Quality Monitoring IoT Device
-Since 2014
- Temperature, Humidity, CO2, Dust, TVOC Sensors
Sensor Node for Various Applications
Hot-Pluggable Sensor. Platform with LPWAN Connectivity
PLC Node for Smart Factory Application
Gateway for PLC in Manufacturing Sites
Air Quality Monitoring Device
Monitors your Living Environment ( Co2, dust, VOC, Temperature, Humidity, Illuminance)
Profile your Environment to Server
Improves your quality of life !
Launched At AMAZON, oct 2015 . www.amazon.com
Launched at Korea Feb, 2016

Sensor Node (Sensation)
SENSATION is a sensor Node which provides
robust IP65/IK08 Hardware feature can survive harsh outdoor condition
4 x Hot pluggable sensor probes to meet various IoT applications.
Extremely Low Idle Power can run 6 months or more without external supply
supports various Gateway Links ( LoRa, NBIot, Zigbee, RS422/485)
Outdoor Jamming System
The CSLR20x is designed for the Outdoor Type and it amplify the existing Jammer signal can extend the Jamming coverage.
In addition, the main feature of internal noise generator can jamming by itself without the existing jammer signal.
It can used to prevent mobile phone signal at some area like such as major public facilities, Police facilities, Religious facilities, Military bases and Prisons.
According to customer's request, we provide jamming devices what is max output power, frequency bandwidth and so on.